[Soci SLIP] registrazioni LD inutilizzabili

Alessandro Pasotti apasotti a gmail.com
Mar 1 Nov 2011 10:58:11 CET


Ho scaricato correttamente il torrent ma non riesco a riprodurre i video,
ho sempre usato mplayer e non mi ha mai tradito con i mkv, mi sa che il
file ha qualche problema (o sono solo io?).

$ mplayer pomeriggio/pomeriggio.mkv
MPlayer SVN-r1.0~rc3+svn20090426-4.4.3 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote

Playing pomeriggio/pomeriggio.mkv.
[mkv] Track ID 1: video (V_THEORA), -vid 0
[mkv] Track ID 2: audio (A_MPEG/L3), -aid 0, -alang und
[mkv] Will play video track 1.
Matroska file format detected.
VIDEO:  [theo]  1440x896  24bpp  25.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
open: No such file or directory
[MGA] Couldn't open: /dev/mga_vid
open: No such file or directory
[MGA] Couldn't open: /dev/mga_vid
[VO_TDFXFB] Can't open /dev/fb0: Permission denied.
[VO_3DFX] Unable to open /dev/3dfx.
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [fftheora] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg Theora)
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 64.0 kbit/4.54% (ratio: 8000->176400)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
AO: [pulse] Init failed: Connection refused
Failed to initialize audio driver 'pulse'
AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Starting playback...

Too many audio packets in the buffer: (4096 in 855981 bytes).
Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?

For AVI files, try to force non-interleaved mode with the -ni option.

A:   0.3 V:   0.0 A-V:  0.298 ct:  0.000   0/  0 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0

Alessandro Pasotti
w3:   www.itopen.it
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