[S.Li.P] Fwd: I Love Free Software - and you?

Valentino Bocchino valentinobocchino17 a gmail.com
Mar 11 Feb 2020 14:38:57 CET

Mi sembra una bella iniziativa e quindi ho pensato di dirvelo. :)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Max Mehl <info a my.fsfe.org>
Date: Tue, Feb 11, 2020, 11:40
Subject: I Love Free Software - and you?
To: Valentino Bocchino <valentino.bocchino a web.de>

Hi Valentino Bocchino,

While you are reading this, someone somewhere is working on improving the
code of a Free Software you use yourself. Although millions of users depend
on Free Software, the people behind the respective projects usually remain
invisible. Together we want to change that. 14 February, the "I love Free
Software Day", is a good opportunity to do so. But we need your help for

Behind every Free Software project is a team of developers, translators and
designers. These are people who fix bugs, make improvements and provide
security updates. They do a great service to our society by making the code
of their software available to the general public. This cannot be taken for
granted. Many of these people do it voluntarily in their spare time. But
how often do we actually thank them for this?

14 February is "I love Free Software" day. On this day, Free Software users
are called upon to show their appreciation for a project of their choice.
It's easy to join in: just write a short message of thanks on the social
network of your choice with the addition #IloveFS. Or write a short thank
you email to a development team. The message does not have to be long - a
simple thank you is often enough. Do you think it's important for
journalists to be able to research the web anonymously with Tor? Do you
regularly use the Firefox browser, LibreOffice, or a Linux system yourself?
Or is there a smaller and less known project that you personally care
about? You alone decide who you want to please on this day. On the "I love
Free Software Day" action page you will find various ideas and suggestions:

Action page: ilovefs.org

The "I love Free Software Day" is an important institution in the Free
Software community. The more people participate, the more we can make it
clear that we value this work, which is immensely important for our
society. We would therefore be very pleased if you too would take part and
take a moment on 14 February.

Best regards,

Max Mehl
Programme Manager
Free Software Foundation Europe

PS: Writing a short message takes only a few minutes. But this small
gesture means a lot to many people. As FSFE we regularly get feedback from
Free Software projects that the "I love Free Software Day" gives them a lot
of strength and encourages them to continue. All the more reason why we
should not let this day pass without a short thank you to our favourite
project: ilovefs.org

Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.
Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany.
Registered at Amtsgericht Hamburg, VR 17030
Your support enables our work: my.fsfe.org/support
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