[Soci SLIP] OpenOffice - LibreOffice

Giuseppe Castagno giuseppe.castagno a acca-esse.it
Gio 30 Set 2010 11:54:49 CEST

Ciao a *,

forse questa può servire a fare un po' di luce in più:


Inoltre alcuni che supportano l'iniziativa:


Per ora Oracle ha risposto con la seguente, la riporto, è quella che
'gira' in Internet,

"Oracle is investing substantial resources in OpenOffice.org," the
company said. "With more than one hundred million users, we believe
OpenOffice.org is the most advanced, most feature rich open source
implementation and will strongly encourage the Open Office community to
continue to contribute through www.openoffice.org. However, the beauty
of open source is that it can be forked by anyone who chooses, as was
done today. Our sincerest goal for Open Office is that it become more
widely used so if this new foundation will help advance Open Office and
the Open Document Format we wish them the best"

io l'ho trovata qui:


Simone Paolin wrote:
> http://www.hi-techitaly.com/news/computer/3182-libreoffice-openofficeorg-si-sgancia-da-sun-e-oracle-e-diventa-libero.html
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Cordiali saluti,

Giuseppe Castagno
Acca Esse http://www.acca-esse.it
giuseppe.castagno at acca-esse.it
beppec56 at openoffice.org

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